Since the 2015-2016 academic year, IES Nieves López Pastor has been immersed in the Bilingual Plan of the Andalusian Community. Moreover, in the present 2020/2021 academic year, the French language has also been added to the plan, thus becoming one of the three secondary schools in the province of Jaen to implement plurilingualism. We consider that the learning of one or more foreign languages together with the mother tongue, becomes a great advantage for the integral development of a person.
Bilingualism contributes both to the students’ command of the languages and the consolidation and reinforcement of specific knowledge.
But not only that, studying some subjects in English also provides them with useful tools to face a more rewarding professional career.
Since ours is a multicultural high school, given the amount of immigrants that the village hosts, the awareness of other cultures and the ability to communicate in two or more languages, improves the students’ resources to socialize and promotes creativity.
Our methodology is based on the CLIL approach (Content and Language Integrated Learning). This methodological trend refers to the teaching of a wide variety of subjects such as history and geography, sciences, technology or PE through a foreign language. Its main aim is to develop the teaching and learning process from a meaningful and active perspective, making the students the protagonists of their own learning process.
Each academic year, we count on the presence of a native English-speaking language assistant, (from this year, we also have a French assistant), who helps the bilingual teachers in their classes by practicing oral conversation, providing phonetic and grammatical correction, and collaborating with them in the production of instructional material. This brings the culture of the foreign country closer to the students, making the learning of the language more interesting and attractive.
School data
Calle Maestro Ricardo López, 17
23330, Villanueva del Arzobispo (Jaén)
+34 953 42 95 31
Contact of the reference person:
Education level: Middle/High School (12 to 18 years old)
Collaboration subjects/modules of the Language Assistant: Music, Sports, History and Geography, Biology and Geology, Physics and Chemistry, Technology.
Information about the town and/or neighborhood
The town:
The village has a population of about 8.600 inhabitants. It is situated on the east of the province, surrounded by olive groves and cereal fields. Part of its municipal district is included in the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas National Park, the largest protected natural space in Spain: an orographic labyrinth of valleys, gorges, mountains and flat lands of enormous hydrological and botanical importance.
It is also important aesthetically and from a wildlife point of view. Because of this it is one of the most visited and frequented natural spaces in the country.
Apart from that, it is near the World Heritage Towns of Úbeda and Baeza.
The village offers a variety of options for leisure such as sports centre with climatized pool, gym, theatre, restaurants and bars, etc. Here with provide you with some links to useful local webpages:
Getting to school:
Possibility of car-pooling with other teachers from Villacarrillo, Úbeda or Baeza.
Link to the website of public bus companies:
Where to live in town? Possibility of sharing a flat with teachers?
Links to useful websites to find accommodation in either Villanueva del Arzobispo or in the nearby towns of Villacarrillo, Úbeda or Baeza:
Apart from that, once the assistant arrives, the teachers here can help him/her to find other options of accommodation.
There may be a possibility of sharing a flat with other teachers. However, since many new teachers come to the school every year, we cannot offer their contacts until the start of the new academic year.
+INFO: (We have some telephone numbers of local contacts)
Contact with other Language Assistants:
The teacher coordinating the bilingual program will provide the assistant on his/her arrival with the contact of previous language assistants in the school.
At the beginning of the year there will be a meeting in Jaén where all the assistants of the province can get to know each other. We could also provide you with the contact of last year`s English assistant.
Link to websites, assistants’ blogs, school’s blogs, Youtube channels where former Language Assistants are shown.